Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ramblin Rants

The following is several days’ worth of rambling rants.

Saturday I did what may be the slowest 6 mile trail run ever; it took 1:15 to run six miles. Granted there was plenty of snow on the ground, in various states from untouched to very trampled and uneven. I measured 14” of snow in BVH and am sure there was a similar amount on the Buckeye trail. My previous slowest 10K run was 50 minutes. It was the 1985 Bank One run in Ashland, OH. I went through 5 miles in under 35 minutes then just cramped up and finished off the race with a blazin 15 minute mile.

Sunday went to the new car show and looked at several cars/ trucks I will never be able to afford. When you work for the man you should be lucky if you can afford to drive an 85’ Yugo.

Monday did 35 minutes on the trainer. I just did not have much interest in riding longer than that. I wonder how I was able to do the 24 hours of going nowhere, when now 30 minutes on the trainer is a long time.

"People don't understand how riding for 24 hours straight can be a rush, but it is."

John Stamstad

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